Vision and Mission
Flourishing Christian communities faithfully witnessing to God’s Mission.
Equipping missional leaders for Christ’s Church of tomorrow, today.

The Board of St. Andrew’s Hall established the Centre for Missional Leadership in 2015 to enable Christian communities to flourish in God’s redemptive mission to the world.
The sense of decline in many churches in North America is a not a measure of God’s endless love and compassion for the world. New initiatives are springing up in response to the call of Christ and the movement of the Holy Spirit.
CML is place where church leaders are encouraged about the work God is doing in the world today, and equipped to meet the challenges of tomorrow with creativity and hope.
Through research, teaching, and experimentation, we help pastors, congregations, and emerging Christian communities gain fresh vision and new skills for fruitful Christian witness in the midst of our complex culture.
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