Centre for Missional Leadership (CML)
“When the church in North America discards the Christendom mindset, it can become truly apostolic. To be apostolic is, literally, to be sent out.”
Darrell Guder, Missional Church
Welcome to the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall!
We are a community of scholars, evangelists, and missional practitioners committed to witnessing to the risen Christ today. The missional theology we teach boldly affirms that the Triune God is alive and working to reconcile and redeem the world. We are called to participate in that divine mission.
This theological reality makes it an exciting time to be a Christian leader in North America, and around the world. Every day, we are invited to participate in the missio Dei—the mission of God to redeem and save the world. We participate by bearing witness to Jesus, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and experiencing the saving grace of the Father in an endless variety of ways.
We welcome you to the CML community! For the latest, up to date activities of CML please visit our website here: https://www.equippingformission.ca
Grace and peace,
Dr. Ross Lockhart, Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall
Email: cml@standrews.edu

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